8 April 2020
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and our focus on the health and safety of our athletes,
families, volunteers, and our entire community Special Olympics Ohio has extended the suspension
of sports training and competition, including the State Summer Games, through 6 July 2020.
“This is the first time in more than 50 years that Special Olympics Ohio will not hold State Summer
Games. We understand the impact of this is significant for athletes who were planning to compete
and who also look forward all year to reuniting with their friends off the playing field,” said Special
Olympics Ohio Chief Executive Officer Jessica Stewart. “While this is disappointing we know that our
love of sport does not compare to the importance of protecting the health and safety of our
community. We are in this together and we will come out of this together, and stronger.”
“The decision to cancel Summer Games for the first time in the history of Special Olympics Ohio did
not come lightly,” added Geoff Kunkler, Chair of the Special Olympics Ohio Board of Directors. “We
understand how hard our athletes train to prepare for this event and how much they look forward to
it, along with their families and friends. However, given the unprecedented circumstances affecting
our community and nation, the leadership within this organization believes it is of paramount
importance to protect the safety and wellness of our athletes, coaches, and volunteers. We are
looking forward to resuming normal activities as soon as it is deemed safe, and are excited for the
many competitions and events to come.”
The decision to cancel the 2020 State Summer Games was also based on the fact that The Ohio State
University has cancelled all on-campus activities through 6 July.
In an effort to help keep athletes, their families, and supporters healthy and fit while formal training
is suspended, Special Olympics Ohio has launched a virtual program that includes content such as
fitness routines, resources for both physical and mental health, and nutrition information. Content
posts every day on the Special Olympics Ohio Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels.
If you have questions or need assistance with matters involving Special Olympics Ohio athletes or
programs, please contact Special Olympics Ohio Chief Operating Officer John Wysocki at
jwysocki@sooh.org or 614-239-7050 ext. 20.
Please be safe and stay healthy. With patience and compassion, we will get through this.
Jessica Stewart
Chief Executive Officer